Connect Your Business to

Two Of The Largest TV Networks In The World
With An Audience Of 
220 Million EyeBalls!



…Without Paying for a SINGLE AD? 

TVBoss Fire Delivers TV Exposure ANYONE Can Afford... and You Don't Need To Make A Single Video Yourself.

OWN MULTIPLE income streams
Tap Into Enormous TV Audiences!

Monetize content You Don't Own

Sell Clients TV Advertising

OR start your OWN TV Show!

Watch to see how to get on TV!

Secure purchase. 30 day ‘love it or your money back’  No questions asked


Get Started On Your Business Super-Stardom Today With

Thanks to our friends at


You can NOW GET in front of  MASSIVE, 
Content Hungry Audiences!

These 2 Streaming Giants Have Over 220.000.000+ 

 Active Monthly Viewers In The US ALONE

We train you how to acquire the good stuff FOR FREE!

Introducing: TV Boss Fire
Internet TV For Personal Profit

This cloud-based software lets YOU leverage MILLIONS of engaged viewers on BOTH Roku & Amazon Fire - with zero tech skills, hassles or outsourcing.

Create MULTIPLE income streams including passive profits, recurring payments from advertisersm & increased sales of your own products & services …
While building targeted lists in
ANY niche!

Set up traffic-driving channels from right inside the software …
And get results from OTHER people’s content ...

For a sustainable,
 LEGITIMATE business you can be proud of.

Secure purchase. 30 day ‘love it or your money back’  No question asked


Our Lightening QUICK System Does The Hard Work So You Can Enjoy SUPER-QUICK

Done In UNDER…

…12 Minutes

Channel Set Ups In As Little As
Under 12 minutes!

You Can Even Run LIVE Streams 


 It’s easy to do!

THIS Is Your Time

The MASSIVE SHIFT towards on-demand TV is happening now.
Over 220+ million Americans are watching on demand TV on Roku & Amazon Fire.

These platforms are getting more viewers than even the most POPULAR TV channels.

EARLY adopters WILL make the majority of the profits.

As this goes mainstream, profit potential WILL decrease.
It’s simple economics.

So get in now - ahead of everyone else - to set yourself up for MORE
than your fair share of traffic, leads & profits.

Product #2: 

TV Money-Makers Training

You had to write & edit code - or pay THOUSANDS to developers …
Mess about with tons of different websites & companies …
And read dozens of manuals, documents & compliance agreements from Roku, Amazon AND 3rd party sites

If you’re here to get SERIOUS results in the shortest possible time ...
Don’t want to keep chasing shiny objects you know won’t get you anywhere …
And are ready to tap into the unlimited profits of online TV …

You’re in exactly the right place at exactly the right time.

Introducing … TV Boss Fire Money-Makers Training

TV Boss Fire SUCCESS takes your channels from good to AWESOME … with all the leads and passive profits that go along with that.

This exclusive Live Training video series show you step-by-step how to launch traffic-driving, subscriber-building, revenue-generating channels as quickly as possible.

These are the exact methods we personally used to:

  • Add over 228,906 subscribers to our channels
  • Bank over $25,407 in passive ad revenues
  • Sign lucrative private deals with multiple advertisers

And THAT was just for starters!

As TV Boss and our channels have grown, we’ve developed even more shortcuts & winning strategies to explode your results.

This is NOT some basic extension of the included training with your license …
It’s an ENTIRELY new way to take your profits to the next level.

Secure purchase. 30 day ‘love it or your money back’  No question asked


TVBoss fire success:

How to Win Before You EVEN Start

Straight off we’ll show you EXACTLY how to find out if your channel will be profitable - before you waste a second on research or sourcing content.

PLUS you’ll see ways to find great ideas for winning channels that attract massive numbers of subscribers and advertisers for ongoing passive revenue.

Simply watch, copy what we show you …
Get amazing results …
Then move to the next module to grow your channels even BIGGER.

“This course is just priceless. I can’t thank you enough … Even my adult children and grandchildren are excited for me, in reference to this TV Channel Business. Thank you so much for this course!”

Beverly Frazier 

TVBoss fire success:

The right content at the right time

You’ll see the optimal number of videos to have in place before you even submit your channels for approval …

This strategy will skyrocket your chances for channel approval every time … and give you a shortcut to earning subscribers and profits.

“From the very 1st video in this course, I KNEW it was going to be full of valuable information. In fact, after viewing more of the videos, it’s the most valuable information I’ve ever been given.”

Marketing Bugle Digital Promotions 

TVBoss fire success:

Tag Your way to higher profit

Unlock our secret methods for leveraging tags & categories to add boatloads of subscribers to your channels … WITHOUT paying for traffic.

Watch as your channel subscriptions go through the roof simply by optimizing a few key terms & ticking the right boxes.

“Thank you very much for providing this resource to us at this AMAZING price.  As I told Craig … it is AWESOME.”

Byron Horde 

TVBoss fire success:

Simple content & Video Strategies

Find easy ways to source more content for your channels … because more content leads to MORE subscribers.
Unlock simple solutions for creating unique videos from mP3 files, still images and pre-existing videos.

This section ALONE is worth more than the tiny price of admission. Roku and Amazon Fire users are hungry for fresh content, now you’ll be able to deliver EXACTLY what viewers want!

“I have completed 70% of the training (purchased today) and I stopped to come here and tell those still on the fence - INVEST IN THIS PROGRAM!!” 

Teo Smoot

TVBoss fire success:

Multiple Monetization

Ad revenues, subscribers and private deals are powerful ways to monetize your channels … but there are even MORE ways to profit with TV Boss Fire.
This section opens up even more income options for you, including some completely untapped methods where there’s ZERO competition!

TVBoss fire success:

Advance Strategies

Just like ‘old school’ TV, on-demand channels need optimizing as well. Here we’ll share advanced methods for tweaking your channels for ultimate performance.

Discover what Content Delivery Networks are and if they’re a fit for your channels …
How to backup your channel content …
The best way to create quality images that make YOUR channels stand out …
And so much more!

If you all DONT get this course, you will be so behind ...
Get it, you will be thanking yourselves later!!! 

Tonya Pugh

TVBoss fire success:

Outgoing Updates

We’re ALL-IN with on-demand TV … and keep looking for new ways to tap into even higher profits.

Your access to TV Boss Fire SUCCESS means ongoing updates & bonus workshops that keep you ahead of the profit curve.

Relax knowing that the methods we share represent the most up-to-date and EFFECTIVE ways to maximize your channel profits.

“This is the BEST course I have been a part of, you should be proud SIR

Tonya Pugh

Faster. Better. Easier

We’ve said it before - You’re on the ground-floor of one of the most exciting consumer shifts in history.

The SOONER your channels make an impact … the more long term profits you’ll make.
Once you become ‘known’ in the space as the creator of great channels:

You’ll attract more subscribers

You’ll make even MORE passive ad revenue

More advertisers will look to pay you thrOuGH private deals to run videos on your channels

The TV Boss Fire Money-Makers Course is your SHORTCUT to all these results … By taking away any guesswork and giving you insider secrets to how to explode your channel success RIGHT now.

Product #3: 

Marketers Goldmine

All The assets you need in one place!

Unlock EXPLOSIVE Profits From Your Channels & ANY Online Campaign ...
TOP CONVERTING Web Assets Skyrocket Your Leads, Sales & Profits
Faster Than EVER Before Possible!

Hey, it’s Craig here again.

As a new TV Boss Fire marketer, you’ll soon find you have a LOT of ways to monetize your channels.

Sure, you can PASSIVELY monetize with ads - we’ll show you how - but that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.

You’re sitting on a MASSIVE source of untapped traffic … and we’d like to make it as easy as possible for you to MAXIMIZE profits from that traffic.

Imagine EFFORTLESSLY getting MORE channel subscribers…
MORE views to your custom offers …
MORE leads, MORE sales, MORE authority…
And EVEN premium recurring payments from clients that need YOUR help!

The Last & ONLY Collection Of Conversion Assets You’ll EVER Need

The secret to marketing success is to look professional - when you look like a pro, you can quickly add more customers, sales & profits.

To do this, you NEED certain assets that make your channels, offers & pages stand out: 

  • Engaging video elements - intros, outros, backgrounds & more
  • STUNNING royalty-free images that make your pages & offers ‘pop’
  • Premium CONTENT that drives traffic & entices prospects to subscribe

Try sourcing just ONE royalty-free image … OR check the costs of joining a premium membership site.

Try hiring an outsourcer for a simple video intro or background clip - the costs add up quickly and you almost NEVER get what you ask for.

Creating your own content is tedious and time consuming - while hiring others takes profits straight out of your pocket.

Imagine instead - having INSIDER access to a secret vault of PREMIUM creative assets that give you EVERYTHING you need under one roof?

Not only that - but a vault that’s being CONSTANTLY added to by TEAMS of professional video, graphics & content specialists … so no matter what you need for your business, you’re covered? 

Welcome To Marketers Goldmine

Your COMPLETE Collection Of Marketing Assets That MAXIMIZE Your Profits

Swipe & Deploy These For ANY Channel Or Campaign … WITHOUT Limits!

The right picture or video - in the right place - can be the difference between making the sale or missing out.

Finding the right video or image - EXACTLY when you need it - can take hours or hundreds of dollars.

That’s why we developed Marketer’s Goldmine. Our in-house team of professional designers have only ONE job: to constantly generate top quality, high-converting graphics, videos & templates …

To save YOU time & money while SKYROCKETING your conversions!

  • Over 100 stunning, professional video clips - backgrounds, reveals, intros, outros, timelapse & more
  • 1000s of premium, royalty-free images for ANY marketing application
  • 100+ EDITABLE templates to quickly design ads, sales copy, social media posts, emails & more
  • 99 [and counting] top-converting marketing email swipes, customizable for ANY campaign
  • 268 + royalty free audio tracks PERFECT for syncing with your videos
  • Over 151 professionally written articles on a wide range of productivity topics - ideal for content marketing & as lead magnets
  • 15 amazing eBooks cover multiple marketing subjects - ideal to use as free lead magnets
  • And MUCH more

Secure purchase. 30 day ‘love it or your money back’  No question asked


Product (Service) #4: 

The SECRET To Explosive Earnings, Traffic & Subscribers
From On-Demand TV

We Work Hard To Bring As MUCH Traffic To Your Channels As POSSIBLE - Bringing An Abundance Of WINS!

Hey it’s Craig here with one final tip on how you can make the MOST with TV Boss Fire:

Maximize Views To Maximize Your Profits

More channel views mean:

  • More subscribers
  • HIGHER passive revenue from advertisers
  • Making MORE profits from your own offers

This should sound familiar - it’s exactly how cable TV has worked for decades.
More views bring in higher revenues - across the board …

And the rules are EXACTLY the same now that ‘online TV’ is the new game.

The good news?

Because you’re in on the ground floor, you already have an unfair advantage. You’re miles ahead of marketers that AREN’T yet on Roku & Amazon Fire.

The bad news?

Because Roku & Amazon Fire are growing SO fast …
The competition is ALREADY heating up.

Gary Vee & other online celebrities, along with countless well-funded companies, are all jumping on streaming TV. With more & more channels competing for traffic & views - how will YOUR channel stand out?

How To MAXIMIZE Your Channel Views & Profits

The most successful early beta testers of TV Boss built up their views, traffic & income with hard work: 

  • Actively promoting on social media & other networks
  • Regularly adding new videos
  • Customizing existing videos while adding unique content

These methods work - but they DO take time & effort.

More recent TV Boss beta testers asked if there was a way to get similar results - explosive traffic & income - WITHOUT putting in the time & struggle.

So we looked at how to AUTOMATE the process …
And came up with the solution:

TV Boss Fire VIRAL Channel Optimizer
Your DFY Answer For
MAXIMIZING Views & Profits

Secure purchase. 30 day ‘love it or your money back’  No question asked


Quickly increase subscribers, traffic & profits from your channel - HANDS-FREE!

Viral Channel Optimizer drives massive exposure AND engagement to your channel
for both a QUICK & sustained boost to your potential profits.

Here’s How:
FRONT PAGE Listing On Our Unique Online TV Web

 Platform & Some Example Shows! is a proprietary site we’ve built to maximize the exposure of your TV Boss Fire channel.

The site is optimized to attract Roku and Amazon Fire users - looking for the hottest channels to subscribe to.

Your access to Viral Channel Optimizer gets you FRONT PAGE listing on the site …
PLUS your channel listings rotate to maximize your exposure to as many site visitors as possible.

Built-In Engagement 

What makes a TV channel stand out? 


The more user ratings & reviews, the more exposure you get.
With Viral Channel Optimizer, you get the benefit of an ENTIRE community of
TV Boss Fire users, actively rating your channel.

PLUS, the site makes it easy for independent viewers to add their ratings as well - giving your channel a MASSIVE boost in exposure.

Done-For-You SEO For TARGETED, 100% Free Traffic 

One of the most powerful bonuses INCLUDED with your TV Boss Fire access is the “About Your Channel” page that we build FOR you.

Here’s why that bonus is such a BIG DEAL

We’re going to take that page that highlights the features of YOUR channel …
Unleash our team of SEO experts on it …
To get you ongoing & long term targeted traffic from Google & other top search engines.
This is huge. As more ‘cable cutters’ turn to online TV …
SEARCHES for great online channels are exploding.
With Viral Channel Optimizer, your channel will stand out in the search results …
for a massive boost in views, subscribers & ongoing profits.

Bonus #1

TV Boss Fire Bootcamp - Value $497

Let’s take your business to the next level.
Join the top experts in this amazing training that goes WAY beyond setup …
And shows you exactly how to maximize your profits.

Rave Reviews For TV Boss Bootcamp:

I got all my questions answered! GREAT WEBINAR! Most productive in a long time

Jason Hodge

I agree the webinar is of amazing quality - thanks for all the efforts and explanations. Fabulous

Stephen Tovey

Thank you so much for a really great and informative webinar … learned a lot more here

Beverly Frazier

Bonus #2

Auto-Generated “About Your TV Channel” Page -  Value $97

Roku & Amazon require you to have an ‘about your channel’ page to publish.
Instead of setting up an entire page, pay for the hosting and maintenance …

We’ll create AND HOST this page for you. Professionally designed to comply with Roku’s terms, while generating maximum buzz to your channels.

We’ll build the page & send you the URL. Just copy & paste that into your Roku account and you’re good to go.

Bonus #3

TV Boss Fire Bootcamp ONGOING Sessions - Value $1997 / Year

Bonus #4


These two sessions were a key part in TVBoss users channel evolution - The owner of one of the top advertising companies online for Connect/Online TV, Jim Larkin reveals all!

Secure purchase. 30 day ‘love it or your money back’  No question asked

  • How would it feel to NEVER have to struggle for traffic again - or EVEN pay for ads?
  • What would ongoing passive, monthly income mean for you?
  • Picture earning upfront & recurring payments from BIG DOLLAR companies that need YOUR help!
  • And finally- never having to worry about bills again,


We support this software and have kept it online, UPDATED & running for TWO years 24/7 without fail.

Our top notch 24/7 LIVE customer support is here for you inside the web app you log into any time you like!

Here’s what our customers have to say:

The testimonials and images on this page have been collected/provided to TVBoss by TVBoss users - We do not have any liability toward any of the information being false - These testimonials and proofs provided on this page were added in good faith and collected by real TVBoss customers

The materials provided on are not to be interpreted as a “get rich quick” scheme in any way. Your earning potential is entirely dependent upon you.

The level of success you reach employing these techniques and ideas is entirely dependent upon you; your skills, your financial resources, your advertising and marketing knowledge and your time that you devote to becoming successful. Because of these reasons, we cannot guarantee your earnings level nor do we in any way whether directly or indirectly do so.

Purchasers may need to purchase hosting for their channels or can use existing if allowed - If needed, we have resources to show you where you get hosting.