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We Have Been Supporting TV Agents & Creators... And They LOVE US!

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Forget What You've Seen And Hit The Close Button... If you don't feel that these happy customers with what we asked of them on their opinions is enough.

Here's Some More Proof Of The System.... Check Them Out Below:

Six Figures PER YEAR!

Jose Generated: $53.150 in three months!

Elle went from newbie to her
first $10k sale & beyond!

Our Promise. Our Confidence! Here's Our Refund Terms.

We’re that confident that if you take this seriously and follow what we teach you'll be successful.

You're no different to the others that have success, so we're confident you can too!

If by some chance you don’t 5x your investment within 6 months and can prove within that time you made all efforts to create a business with your agency we will refund your money and you get SIX free months extra of tvboss fire and keep the custom assets we give to you forever!

The assets we provide are paid for, the trainers, the support, the assets, the software enahncements and personal custom bonuses we're giving you like intros and outros made just for you, logo's and other items too.


How do I claim the bonuses/Perks?

Don't worry! We sign you up to everything/send it to you!

How much should I charge for one channel?

We Recommend $10k + $500 per video uploaded!

When will the calls begin?

They'll be scheduled and lined up over this coming week! We want you all to kick butt!

Can you save me a spot?

Sorry, we cannot! Just so it's fair for everyone!

When do we get Google Chromecast, Apple & the others?

ASAP! We're in the final stage of finishing, and then you all get to play with it! :)

When can I begin selling channels....

RIGHT NOW NOW!! People have been known to makes sales of channels before they even had purchased a computer to work on!

Can we run ads on YouTube to drive traffic to our channel?

You can drive traffic from anywhere! We suggest you run traffic to your channels and even teach you how!

Are there any restrictions as to what can play on the online connect tv?

Anything normal is fine, most things except pornography, cruelty to animals and things of this kind of nature.

How many places are left?

Currently 09

How many channels can I sell?

As many as humanly possible!

How long is the offer open for?

Monday at midnight the latest

How much will this rise to?

We're still planning that! We have always said $5,000 to $10,000

How many others have got the amazing results like I've seen on the presentation?

I can't actually tell! But I know there's more success than I've EVER seen around any other product - People often once they hit big success knuckle down and push on!

Which languages can i make channels in?

Virtually ANY! How cool is that? Once you create your channel, inside roku/amazon fire, you select which countries to show your channels in


The testimonials and images on this page have been collected/provided to TVBoss by TVBoss users - We do not have any liability toward any of the information being false - These testimonials and proofs provided on this page were added in good faith and collected by real TVBoss customers

The materials provided on tvboss.net are not to be interpreted as a “get rich quick” scheme in any way. Your earning potential is entirely dependent upon you.

The level of success you reach employing these techniques and ideas is entirely dependent upon you; your skills, your financial resources, your advertising and marketing knowledge and your time that you devote to becoming successful. Because of these reasons, we cannot guarantee your earnings level nor do we in any way whether directly or indirectly do so.